Monday, December 17, 2007

Now I've Seen Everything!

Sorry to have been away for so long. It has been a busy year and one of many changes. We have amalgamated our two locations into one and in August took our services to a full-time level, providing computer sales and services, web site design, hosting and maintenance, eBay consignment sales, printer toner and ink sales, and training. We are still finalizing all the changes, but I will endeavour to leave a posting once a week to try and give everyone my point of view and something interesting to read.

Now, without further delay, here is this weeks posting...

Okay, so maybe I haven't seen everything, but just when I thought I had, I found myself behind a car in traffic and to my amazement saw a new kind of advertising in one of the least likely places I would have ever expected... a license plate.

There I was waiting for the light to change when in front of me was a scrolling LCD message running below the license plate. It was put there by a local business to advertise their current specials... and I guess it worked because I was a captive audience and I read it.

Now, I'm all for great uses of technology, but I personally found this one to be a little hokey, though the business owner did get their message across. I suppose it makes sense, especially if you find yourself in traffic, or the drive-thru, then there are lots of folks to advertise to. Hmmm, maybe I'll have to reconsider, but for $60 I'm not so sure it will have any kind of measureable impact.

One could always use it though for more motivational, personal, or safety related messages I suppose, such as "Please Slow Down", "God Bless You", "Be the change you want to see in the world", to advertise an upcoming community event, or maybe for someone who drives children the message "Children On Board" or something like that. I'm sure eventually we will see endless uses for this scrolling license plate frame.

I was just surprised to see it!!

Thanks for reading, and remember...
" Think Outside the Browser! "

Troy Roach
OnSite Technology

Visit my other blog "Site of the Month" for my picks of the internet's best web sites, links and technology.