Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Go Green or Go Home!

Happy Earth Day everyone! On that note, I thought I'd write a summary of the many things we can all do to keep the planet greener each day - from a technology point of view, anyway.

1. If you can, replace that old tube (CRT) monitor and television with an LCD one. Yes, Plasma does provide a better picture, but it consumes more electricity. There are many very good LCD monitors that come very, very close to the quality of Plasma, so you won't be sacrificing very much, but make sure to recycle that old screen properly. There are many places where you can donate working ones, and if they are dead, there are several places that will take them in for recycling, like us, your local Staples (and other stores like that), or even your local dump (for a nominal fee).

2. Turn off any power bars at night that your electronic equipment is plugged into. Keeping those items on standby still consumes electricity (in some cases, up to $10 per month). There are even some power bars that will block devices from being able to go into standby, like this one.

3. Use 100% recycled products in your office. Most office supply stores sell these products, which include, printer/photocopier paper, post-it sticky notes, file folders, hanging folders, and paper clips.

Think outside the browser!

Troy Roach, Owner
OnSite Technology
Stratford, ON
(519) 40-GEEKS

Visit my other blog "Site of the Month" for my picks of the internet's best web sites, links and technology.

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